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Speed matters but not the most

Updated: May 7, 2022

As a market maker, speed of execution become one of top priority to win the game. From 2000 on, High Frequency Trading was booming . Every firms has competed to be the fastest guy in the street. They invested hundreds of million in fiber optic and microwave to be few milliseconds faster than their competitor. They win ? Yes . But the industry become saturated real quick because everybody know just being speed by invested trading hardware. 2010 -2020, profit of the HFT market slow down and they start bidding their competitor. This also happen in crypto. Since market adapt , people adapt . We are no longer use only speed to take advantage of the games because everybody already figured it out . We believe that The alpha of being a bit faster is slowing down . We try our trading system not only being fast but also being smart and more accurate by doing a lot of trading research . QXVM's principle is that gather a lot of great experienced trader, statistician as well software engineer to adjusted the software as quick as market adapt.

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